Welcome and thank you for visiting the Groveville United Methodist Church web site. Our church was founded in 1836 and has been the cornerstone of this community ever since. We owe that to Jesus! Thank you Lord for your being ever present with us!
Our church services are every Sunday at 11:00 am with “Coffee Hour” in Fellowship Hall just across the street where you can enjoy a conversation and a bite to eat.
Groveville United Methodist Church (GUMC) holds many activities throughout the year such as Church and Community dinners, Flea markets, Craft sales, soup and bake sales, to name just a few. See our Facebook page for more information.
Tradition runs deep in Groveville. One of our oldest traditions is our Thanksgiving Breakfast every year at 7:30 am Thanksgiving morning. This tradition started over a 100 years ago. The women of the church would meet at the church and make breakfast before the men went out hunting for a turkey for dinner. Our most exciting tradition is the community tree lighting. GUMC hosts the Christmas Tree lighting in front of the church with refreshments and Santa after.
We call ourselves the “Small but Mighty Church”. As part of our missions, we collect and help distribute food for fellow church, Pearson Memorial’s food pantry and clothing for Church by the Bay. Pearson Memorial Church serves food to well over 100 families every month. While Church by the Bay travels to Salem, Atlantic City, Bridgeton and Trenton passing out clothing and food, GUMC often partners with them in bringing the grace of God to these communities that are in need of love and a little help.
A fun fact: Did you know that the 2nd oldest but longest continuous running Memorial Day parade is right here in Groveville? Yup! Established in 1870, the Groveville/Yardville Memorial Day Parade is planned right here in Fellowship Hall by people from the Groveville and Yardville communities. Since 1870 the parade has been planned and funded by the people of the local community just like you. The parade starts at 8:30 am Memorial Day morning in front of Dover Park Plaza and ends in the Groveville cemetery with a short ceremony and Presidential solute (21-gun salute). For more information visit the Facebook page GYMemParade or email gymemparade@gmail.com

Currently being held via Skype
Open to Church Members and Friends of the Church
If interested send an email to prayer_ministry@grovevilleumc.org