A Note and an Invitation from the Pastor

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
The one who is our life-breath and who guards our going out and our coming home. 
Just as I have shared this invitation with you, I invite you to share it with others. 
When in your life have you felt exhausted? 
Why do you think it came to that? 
Could you use a way to be blessed with the gift of rest in your lives? 
Join us Sunday at 11:00 am, in person or on YouTube as we begin to explore Rest in our lives.   
In our next four-week series beginning on February 2, we explore the profound importance of rest in our lives. 
We start with Elijah’s experience of divine rest, learn how to find a healthy balance of rest. work and play, understand
the rhythm of rest models by God, and affirm that God has given everyone the gift or rest to be embraced. 
I created an event on Facebook for this series. If you are on Facebook, I invite you to share it with your friends and invite someone to join you.
We all know someone that would appreciate a little more rest in their lives.
There is no better rest, than to “Rest in God.”
Devotional: Topic:  Discipleship Tuesdays at 6:45 pm
Bible Study Wednesdays at 10:00 am
Looking ahead
Trustees Monday 2/3 at 6:30 pm
Christian Women Monday 2/10
Coastal Plains Day of Learning (see previous email) Saturday 2/22 8:30-12:00 at Hope UMC in Voorhees.
Flea Market Saturday March 1st 8:00-2:00 pm. See Nancy Lipton for more information. 
Groveville United Methodist Church

447 Church Street
Groveville, NJ 08620
(609) 585-0404

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